6:10 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Latest Game - Happy Holidays from the Final Fantasy Team Happy Holidays, everyone! This is Hajime Tabata, Director of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Final Fantasy XV. I won’t take up too much of your...
1:47 PM PlayStation4 PlayStation Experience LiveCast | A Look at LittleBigPlanet 3 - SharePlay Latest News PlayStation Experience LiveCast | A Look at LittleBigPlanet 3 PlayStation LiveCast coverage of the inaugural PlayStation Experience 2014 ...
1:58 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Playstation 4 - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is 2014's Christmas number one PlayStation 4 is for the players who want to set out on incredible journeys through immersive new worlds and be part of a deeply connected...
2:28 PM PlayStation4 SharePlay Latest Game - This Week in PlayStation: GotY May Cry Go vote for the best games of 2014! Feel free to share your picks in the comments — I’ll do the same. A few highlights that didn’t quite ma...
11:26 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Game Review - Far Cry 4 - Escape from Durgesh Prison DLC Accolade Trailer | PS4, PS3 Far Cry 4 - Escape from Durgesh Prison DLC Accolade Trailer | PS4, PS3 Get ready to Escape from Durgesh Prison on January 13, 2015. Playe...
6:17 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Playstation 4 - Last-gen revisited: Call of Duty Advanced Warfare PlayStation 4 is for the players who want to set out on incredible journeys through immersive new worlds and be part of a deeply connected...
2:47 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Playstation 4 - Destiny jumps seven places in UK chart following The Dark Below release PlayStation 4 is for the players who want to set out on incredible journeys through immersive new worlds and be part of a deeply connected...
9:58 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Latest Game - This Week in PS: Experiencing PlayStation Too much new stuff announced at PlayStation Experience. Just… too much stuff. Catch up on all the show’s reveals , trailers and panels . De...
6:02 PM PlayStation4 SharePlay Playstation 4 - Advanced Warfare sales 27 per cent below Ghosts in the US PlayStation 4 is for the players who want to set out on incredible journeys through immersive new worlds and be part of a deeply connected...
3:58 PM PlayStation4 SharePlay Playstation 4 - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's multiplayer is free this weekend on Steam PlayStation 4 is for the players who want to set out on incredible journeys through immersive new worlds and be part of a deeply connected...
7:12 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Latest Game - Bringing The Banner Saga to PS Vita and PS4 The first thing we have to say is “thank you” to every single fan of The Banner Saga who has helped raise the profile of the game and has s...
8:39 PM PlayStation4 SharePlay Latest Game - Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Collector’s Edition Revealed Good evening, PlayStation.Blog! It’s a little later than we usually post, but we wanted to bring you this bit of news as soon as it broke. T...
8:10 AM PlayStation4 SharePlay Latest Game - PlayStation Store: November’s Top Sellers It’s that time again! In a debut that likely surprised nobody, Grand Theft Auto V has blasted to the top of the PlayStation Store charts fo...
2:44 PM PlayStation4 SharePlay Game Review - PlayStation Experience | Far Cry 4: From the Developer’s Mind to the Gamer’s Imagination PlayStation Experience | Far Cry 4: From the Developer’s Mind to the Gamer’s Imagination Get a rare behind the scenes look at how Far Cry...