SharePlay Playstation 4 - Video: 11 actors and the game ads they'd rather forget

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Big-name actors lending their vocal talents and motion-capture expertise to games are commonplace nowadays. But Captain America's Chris Evans made headlines last week for showing off his guns in a TV spot for China's free-to-play Call of Duty: Online, despite having no ties to the actual game itself.

He's not the only actor to have a starring role in a gaming commerical, however. Before they were famous - and, in some cases, afterwards - these 11 celebrities cut their teeth on a series of delightfully kitsch advertisements for gaming consoles and products. The blink-and-you miss-it cameo from alien sibling duo Zig and Zag may well make your day, and that's before the flying motorbike scene even gets a look-in. Look, it'll make more sense if you just watch. Probably.

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