SharePlay Latest Game - Game Developers Pick Their Most Anticipated PlayStation Games

Despite being busy trying to earn those last few Trophies in our favorite 2016 games, we’re already pondering the experiences to come, both this year and in the years to follow.

But what we really wanted to know was what developers are looking forward to playing when they find time between their own projects. So we sent out the call, asking multiple names across multiple continents exactly what’s getting them excited for the years ahead. This is what they chose.

The Church of Darkness

As chosen by…
“The Church in the Darkness looks to be a remarkable entry. It explores the shadowy world of cults, paranoia, and utopia, and seems like it will be something that expands the medium of games. Can’t wait to sit down and play it.”

-John Watson // Technical Director of The Banner Saga, Stoic

Detroit for PS4

Detroit: Become Human

As chosen by…
“It has to be Detroit: Become Human, from the fellow frenchies at Quantic Dream — such an interesting setting!”

-Audrey Leprince // Co-founder of The Game Bakers on Furi


As chosen by…
“I know these guys and they are absolutely crazy (which is a necessary condition to create the game they want to make), as well as very talented, as everyone knows. What they want to achieve seems almost impossible. This is why I hope so much they will make it and deliver once again an amazing game.”

-David Cage // Founder of Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human



As chosen by…
“My most anticipated PlayStation game is Farpoint. One of the ‘holy grails’ of VR development is delivering a first-person shooter where a player’s movement and the shooting mechanics are fluid and intuitive. From everything I’ve played so far I believe they are incredibly close to delivering this, and it could be another landmark achievement that will push this exciting new medium even further.”

-Andrew Wilans // Lead Designer on EVE: Valkyrie, CCP Games

Final Fantasy VII Remake

As chosen by…
“Most anticipated PlayStation game? I’ll say Final Fantasy VII Remake. FF7 has been my favorite game since I played it in 1997, so the remake can’t come soon enough.”

-Chris Davis // Founder of Mouldy Toof Studios, The Escapists

For Honor

As chosen by…
“I’m looking forward to For Honor from Ubisoft. For more than 20 years I have been shooting and blasting various enemies in-game, so I’m really looking forward to a more up-close and physical type of combat. Also, this game has samurai, but I think it would be even better if I were allowed to oversee the development of the look of this character and the way he uses his sword.”

-Katsuhiro Harada // Project Director on Tekken, Namco Bandai

God of War - PS4

God of War

As chosen by…
I’m looking forward to God of War. I’m not great at action games, but I’ve managed to complete the entries in this franchise. Previously, the series used to have a bird’s eye view and dynamic camera work, but that’s changed to an over-the-shoulder view. I’m quite interested about how this will alter the dynamic and dramatic action God of War is known for.”

-Kazutoki Kono // Project Director on Ace Combat, Bandai Namco

“I’m going to have to plum for God of War. This eagerly anticipated game is 100% guaranteed to serve up all of the cool action we’ve grown to love over the years, but this time with the added addition of more character development with Kratos being forced to curb his seemingly endless rage and become a father figure for a talented young lad with awesome powers. I cannot wait!”

-Tim Wileman // Producer on Lego Star Wars, TT Games

Gran Turismo Sport

As chosen by…
“Hard to choose… Gran Turismo Sport is for sure the best driving game on circuit out there!”

-Paul Narducci // Lead Designer on The Crew, Ivory Tower

Horizon Zero Dawn, PS4 Pro

Horizon Zero Dawn

As chosen by…
“I’m most excited about Horizon: Zero Dawn because of it’s unique art style. How could you not get excited about giant robot dinosaurs?”

-David Hensley // Killing Floor 2 Lead, Tripwire Interactive

“Guerilla’s Horizon: Zero Dawn is definitely my most anticipated PlayStation game. I’m looking forward to exploring every corner of their beautifully crafted world. Plus, Aloy’s a badass with a bow — which is something I always appreciate in games.”

-Scott Walters // Ast. Designer on Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics

“It’s difficult to look beyond Horizon: Zero Dawn’s beautiful, marauding mecha-dinosaurs. I quietly hope Guerrilla will consider including our own dinosaur, Rextro Sixtyfourus as a support NPC.”

-Andy Robinson // Writer on Yooka-Laylee, Playtonic Games

“I hadn’t looked into this game much. Then, at a trade show in Australia, I walked past a booth where it was playing, and it literally stopped me in my tracks. ‘What the heck is that?’ I asked the person I was with. ‘Oh, that’s Horizon: Zero Dawn!’ I was like, ‘I must try this!‘ So I tried the demo — yep I will play this one! The character design is super-strong, the whole concept of machines as an evolutionary track is amazing, and I love the execution of the action/RPG on it. Can’t wait.”

-Jason Vandenberghe // Creative Director on For Honor, Ubisoft Monteal

“I know I’m not alone here at Rocksteady in being very excited about Horizon: Zero Dawn. I was lucky enough to play the 4K demo on PS4 Pro while we were touring to promote Batman: Arkham VR, and the stunning visuals really bring the game’s mysterious world to life.”

-Gaz Deaves // Social Marketing Manager on Batman Arkham VR, Rocksteady

“I’m probably a little bit biased, but Horizon: Zero Dawn from our sister studio in Amsterdam is going to be a massive deal next year. I’ve been fortunate enough to have some hands-on time with their demos and everyone is in for an epic treat.”

-Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou // Art Director on Rigs, Guerrilla Cambridge

“It’s got to be Horizon: Zero Dawn. I can’t wait to see what the team at Guerrilla has done. I’ve been watching with keen interest over the course of its development and I’m looking forward to its release. I think it’s fantastic that the team is challenging itself with a new genre and new gameplay. Aloy looks like the kind of character I’d like to get to know more about, so I’m really looking forward to its launch. I also have a bit of an RPG itch, so maybe it’ll be the game to scratch that for me.”

-Michelle Ducker // Producer on Dreams, Media Molecule

“That is it for me. That’s like my gaming crack. Being able to run around and explore, have solid combat. I like the idea of the world, the look of it, the characters, the RPG-actioness of it. Truthfully I cannot wait to get my hands on it.”

-Scott Campbell // Creative Director on Starblood Arena, WhiteMoon Dreams

“The protagonist looks really cool, it looks pretty open-ended in how you approach problems. I’m a big fan of Far Cry and those big open world action games. It looks beautiful.”

-Richard Rouse // Director at Paranoid Productions

Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue

Kingdom Hearts 2.8

As chosen by…
” I was surprised but enchanted to see that Kingdom Hearts 2.8 was announced to be released in 2017! I’ve played all of the Kingdom Hearts games and of course I can’t wait to play the third one. 2.8 will help me get ready for it! All the more as I really adored the Birth By Sleep episode on PSP, probably my favorite in the series, and the perspective to play as Aqua once again, all in HD, for an exclusive story is really exciting.”

-Anthony Solaire // Int. Product Manager on Just Dance, Ubisoft Paris

The Last of Us Part II

“We didn’t get a release date in the announcement, but I really hope we can play The Last Of Us Part II soon, as I loved the first game.”

-Masachika Kawata // Producer on Resident Evil 7, Capcom

Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda

As chosen by…
“I love [the Mass Effect] series, and you can always count on BioWare to make an amazing game, something really special that’ll keep you coming back. In fact, I’ve played the Mass Effect games more than I played Modern Warfare 2, and I played that game so much my wife made a joke about it in our vows! The early gameplay footage is gorgeous, and I’m really excited to see what they do with 4K.”

-James “Jlo” Lopez // Producer on Borderlands, Gearbox Software

“I’m looking forward to the new Mass Effect: Andromeda. I’m a huge fan of the series, and have spent many hours on previous games getting caught up on the storylines.”

-Sarah Hebbler // Executive Producer on Rocket League, Psynoix

“I’m going to sound like an EA shill but I love Mass Effect. So I’m excited for Andromeda, like, to no end.”

-Paul Keslin // Producer on Star Wars Battlefront, DICE

MLB The Show 17

As chosen by…
“I’m a huge baseball fanatic so MLB The Show 17 is at the top of my most anticipated list next year (and nearly every year). It’s the greatest sports game out there. Ken Griffey Jr. is on the cover this year! I named my dog Griffey, so, obviously, I’m super excited for it, especially after playing the retro mode and thinking about how to gear up my avatar in Road to The Show mode.”

-Eric Monacelli // Director of Communications, Infinity Ward

NieR: Automata, PS4

Nier: Automata

As chosen by…
“I had a chance to play a tiny bit of it at E3 and the fluid combat system created by PlatinumGames impressed me.”

-Spencer Yip, Director on Fallen Legion

Outlast II

As chosen by…
“There is no better way to relax and enjoy a quiet evening than by screaming your lungs out and (digitally) running for your life. This is why we are eagerly awaiting Outlast II, developed by our friends at Red Barrels. We already have stacks of bourbon, beef jerky, and diapers ready for its release.”

-Guillaume Voghel // Producer on Mordheim, Rogue Factor

Persona 5

Persona 5

As chosen by…
“The Persona series brings some of the most stylish and cohesive games out there. I love the immersion that is maintained between the music, sound effects, the HUD, the menus, and the combat presentation. It all keeps me in the mentality of the protagonist.”

-Jason Schroeder // Senior Producer on South Park, Ubisoft San Francisco

“Persona 5! I need to go to school and hang out with my friends!”

-Dave Crooks // Game Designer on Enter the Gungeon, Dodge Roll


As chosen by…
“Prey. After losing myself in the city of Karnaca, I’m very interested in what Arkane has in store for us next.”

-Matthias Worch // Design Director on Mafia III, Hangar 13

Red Dead Redemption 2

As chosen by…
“Red Dead Redemption 2. If any developer is automatic, it’s the Rockstar team. I can’t wait.”

-Jake Solomon // Creative Director on XCOM 2, Firaxis Games

“I’m looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2. The first was a beautiful game, and I think Westerns are hugely underserved, as far as genres are concerned. Excited to see what Rockstar has done to build on the technology and success of GTA IV and V. I’m hoping for another massive open playground in a living world.”

-Michael Gamble // Producer on Mass Effect Andromeda, BioWare

“Red Dead Redemption 2. I can’t wait to see how they have improved upon the stealth of bears in the woods and to also single-handedly annihilate numerous wildlife species with my wanton lust for harvesting meat.”

-Brian Hayes // Creative Director on EA Sports UFC 2, EA Canada

“I’m really looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2. As a kid I was one of the few guys who didn’t like western movies that much but for some strange reason Rockstar Games managed to totally drag me into the story and world of Red Dead Redemption. The story and characters were amazing and I can’t wait to see how it will look like on a PS4.”

-Martin Rabl // PR Manager on Farming Simulator 17, Giants Software

“There’s a ton of amazing stuff coming to the PS4 next year, but tops on my list right now is Red Dead Redemption 2. I love Rockstar’s wild ambition and creative courage, and the open nature of the Wild West setting is the perfect marriage of world and mechanics.”

-Ian Milham // Game Director on Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics

“Red Dead Redemption 2, for sure! I really liked the first opus, and on a more general level I’m really into the whole cowboy fantasy. Just riding on horseback through the countryside and getting into this incredible Wild West mood is a unique thrill.”

-Stéphane “Fergus” Beley // Game Director on The Crew, Ivory Tower

“The game I’m looking forward to the most next year would have to be Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption is one of my all-time favorite open world games. Riding around in the old west and being immersed in that world was an incredibly fun experience start to finish, and I can’t wait to do it again — bigger and better on PS4.”

-Eric Jensen // Sr. Game Designer on Days Gone, Bend Studio

“My most anticipated game is Red Dead Redemption 2. I was a big fan of the original and I love how Rockstar Games completely encapsulate the feel of old Spaghetti Westerns across the whole Red Dead franchise. From the music, the lighting, the characters, it all just screams The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Given that the first Red Dead Redemption was released in 2010 and still looks pretty good, I’m looking forward to seeing what the Red Dead team can achieve visually on PS4.”

-Dominic Matthews // Product Development on Hellblade, Ninja Theory

“My most anticipated PlayStation game has to be Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar always delivers compelling narrative and excellent characterisation, which together alongside the visuals and gameplay make for an epic gaming experience. The original Red Dead Redemption was fantastic and a definite highlight of the last 10 years for me, so when I heard about the sequel and saw the announcement trailer it shot straight to the top of my most anticipated list, though special mention must also go to Gran Turismo Sport and God of War!”

-Phil Nightingale // Senior Designer on Tethered, Secret Sorcery

Resident Evil VII Biohazard

Resident Evil VII

As chosen by…
“Resident Evil VII — it will be one of the first full-fledged VR games to come out and it’s RE on top of it! I mean, experiencing a RE game in first person in my VR gear will be one hell of a ride.”

-Jean-François Dugas // Exec. Game Director, Deus Ex

Shenmue III

As chosen by…
“Shenmue III. Any person who works on non-linear games has to pay tribute to a long lineage of games! Having Shenmue back is a great moment for all of us; can’t wait to see what they come up with.”

-Nouredine Abboud // Sr. Producer on Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Ubisoft Paris

“So many great games to choose from, but for me it’s Shenmue III. I’ll never forget playing its predecessors on Dreamcast. And the soundtrack was so good that I still regularly listen to it.”

-Mathijs de Jonge // Game Director on Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla Games

Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment

As chosen by…
“Across the studio there’s an unanimous excitement for it. It’s our founder’s favorite game of all time, and now it’s getting a prequel.”

-Gavin McCarthy // Art Director at Household Games Inc

Spider Man for PS4


As chosen by…
“I have my fingers crossed for Insomniac’s Spider-Man. The fun of Ratchet and Clank realized in a modern New York City with ‘silky’ animations could be an ‘amazing’ game.”

-Ken Chua // Assoc. Sft. Engineer, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics

Torment: Tides of Numenera

As chosen by…
“Going full old school geek, I would say Torment: Tides of Numenera. It’s a crowd sourced spiritual successor to one of my all-time favorite games, Planescape Torment.”

-Dominic Guay // Sr. Producer on Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft Montreal

What Remains of Edith Finch

As chosen by…
“It just looks like a game that I’ve never really seen before. It seems to be doing things in a very specific way that’s unique. It tickles my… well, I can’t say.”

-Martin Kvale // Audio Lead on Mosaic, Krillbite

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