SharePlay Playstation 4 - Treyarch nerfs movement in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

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The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 private beta is back for another weekend - and players have found developer Treyarch has made some big changes to the game already.

Chief among them are nerfs to movement - more specifically, nerfs to sliding and "bunny-hopping" to, as Treyarch put it, "keep combat more in frame".

The idea, Treyarch said, was to reduce the amount of bunny-hopping plus sliding combo moves. Anyone who played Black Ops 4's opening beta weekend will be familiar with this tactic, as seemingly every player was at it. In short: players were sliding and then jumping up and down to try and make themselves as hard to shoot as possible, while also shooting themselves. It was a pretty effective play and discouraged players from leaving rooms for fear of being bunny-hopped into oblivion.

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