SharePlay Playstation 4 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's body armour problem extends to Blackout

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Blackout, Call of Duty's take on battle royale, has been out a few days now and a lot of people are enjoying it very much indeed. But there's one aspect of the game that pretty much all players agree needs a rethink: body armour.

Body armour has been a subject of much debate within the Call of Duty community ever since the Black Ops 4 multiplayer beta came out. The upshot is fans reckon Black Ops 4's body armour is overpowered - it provides too much protection and mitigates too much damage.

In Blackout, body armour's impact is exacerbated because there are three levels of it, each providing an increasing amount of protection. As I pointed out in our recent Blackout impressions feature, body armour sometimes makes enemy players feel like bullet sponges. Here's how a combat encounter can look when you go up against someone wearing level three body armour:

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