SharePlay Playstation 4 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 update finally nerfs 9-Bang in Blackout

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It's early days for Call of Duty's battle royale mode, but it didn't take long for players to figure out 9-Bangs were pretty powerful in the late game stages of Blackout. Incredibly quick to throw and devastating for those affected, the concussion devices had become something of a meta for proficient players. Or so I've heard.

But the days of 9-Bang tyranny may now be over, as the latest Call of Duty update has taken the pesky flash grenades down a peg.

In the update notes shared by Treyarch on Reddit, the 9-Bang has been made significantly more cumbersome. Along with the Cluster Grenade, it now cannot stack in your inventory (so choose your moment wisely), while the 9-Bang's charge time and fuse time have both been increased. No more spur of the moment throws, as I learnt the hard way last night.

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