SharePlay Playstation 4 - Activision trumpets Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 microtransactions as the COD community declares them the worst ever

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Activision has trumpeted Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's microtransactions at a time when the game's community has declared them the worst the series has ever seen.

In a financial call overnight, Activision chief Coddy Johnson bigged up the financial performance of Treyarch's first-person shooter, declaring Black Ops 4 monthly active users grew year-over-year throughout the financial quarter versus 2017's title, Sledgehammer's Call of Duty: WW2.

"We think this is the result of the increased frequency and quality and live operations including seasonal events, new game play and immersive new in-game experiences across the Black Ops environment," Johnson said, highlighting the new Alcatraz Blackout map that launched in April as a key driver of engagement.

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