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If you're the kind of person that lists big stompy robots, feisty FPS action, and parkour as three of their favourite things, then you've almost certainly already played Respawn Entertainment's Apex Legends pre-cursor, Titanfall 2. But if you somehow haven't, then you can do that very thing for free this weekend on Steam.
Titanfall 2 released back in 2016 to much acclaim (its commercial reception was less favourable, perhaps due to publisher EA famously dubious decision to wedge its release between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare), with ample praise piled on the first-person shooter's sterling blend of the aforementioned robots, guns, and zippy traversal.
It's biggest surprise, however, came in the form of a brisk but immensely entertaining single-player campaign. "Like the best Mario games," enthused Eurogamer's Essential review, "Titanfall 2 picks a trick, themes an entire level around it, and then drops it the second it threatens to become overfamiliar. And just like Mario, it's all backed up by those rock-solid fundamentals that mean when you are just in firefights, or are asked to navigate a chasm using wall-running, everything feels nigh-on flawless."
Check it out!
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