SharePlay Playstation 4 - Advanced Warfare is the finest Call of Duty in years

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The future, it seems, is now. When Modern Warfare impressed upon the world the grittiness of combat, its pin-sharp shooting smartly muddied by the sociopathy of its soldiers as they went about their wetwork with the glib efficiency of plumbers, its dust settled across an entire generation of shooters. Call of Duty moved on from one extreme to another, ending in a tangle of late Brosnan histrionics that reached a nadir with last year's Ghosts, while elsewhere the war has moved on to far-fetched sci-fi fantasies such as Titanfall or Destiny.

Sledgehammer's Advanced Warfare, the studio's first solo Call of Duty having deputised on 2011's Modern Warfare 3, takes the fantastical and runs with it. The result is the biggest shift for the series since the original Modern Warfare, and what is easily the best entry since Modern Warfare's ceasefire.

Advanced Warfare impresses you with just how much fun war can be. The reference points no longer seem to be Black Hawk Down or Red Dawn - it's now the bubblegum sci-fi of Star Wars and Halo leaving their imprint. This is a world stuffed full of exquisite toys, where jet bikes tear through cities constructed of towering glass and concrete - all of which crunches delightfully underfoot when it's inevitably pulled down under the thundering weight of another explosive set-piece - and where guns hum and whir like weaponised fax machines.

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